Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Wanderer

For me, science fiction is a place I never wanted to go. Not only is it an unfamiliar territory but also I am having difficulty absorbing the out of this world theme. And as I flicked through the pages, not reading just looking, I was ready to give the book up. Not only it was beyond my preferred genre but also reading few chapters of it confirmed that it wouldn't be a kind of novel that I will enjoy.

But, I am so terribly wrong. All my prejudices about the genre was thrown in the window when I got a hold of "The Host". Yes, I was hesitant at first. There's something about its thickness and the on-the-verge-end-of-humanity theme that bothered me. There is something about the mystery that bores me. At first. Honestly, I have to read the first chapter thrice just to get the hang of it. But when I finally get the hang of it, girl, I was unstoppable!

This is the ninth book I had read and one of the books that made me pour a pool of tears. I have to read this book five consecutive times because I want to relive and cement it on my mind. It still made me cried all throughout those moments and I'm ready to read it again, if given the chance to. 

And, I like it more than the Twilight. (Sorry, Twilight fans!)
But hey, I love the movie adaptation. It's just that I kind of got bored because I watched the movie first.

Speaking of movie adaptation, I was rummaging through Stephenie Meyer's site and I saw that The Host will be made a movie too! How good is that? One year and a half ago, I was still in my senior year in high school, I am hoping, really hoping, for that movie. 

Then I saw this picture at Stephenie Meyer's official site! (almost one and half year later...) I've been visiting this site a lot for any updates about the movie and YES!! I found it!

It said to be released on: March 29, 2013
Go to this link to see more information: Stephenie Meyer

Saoirse Ronan and Max Irons will be Wanda/Melanie and Jared. And it's gonna be Jake Abel who's portraying Ian O'shea. Ohhh. I really hope it's Ian Somerhalder.... 

Anyway, I'm excited to watch the movie. I'm crossing my fingers to this and I hope that it would come out good. (Don't disappoint me please... I love this novel so much!)

 The Host by Stephenie Meyer
Just a teaser guys!

I blinked away the unwelcome moisture in my eyes. I didn't know how much more of this I could stand. How did anyone survive this world, with these bodies whose memories wouldn't stay in the past where they should? With these emotions that were so strong I couldn't tell what I felt anymore?

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