Our current situation with the disease that plagueing not only this country but the whole world has shaken all of us. It has been unnerving, which is an understatement. We are, at the most part, unprepared. This wasn't foreseen nor part of the plan.I know it's hard for our leaders. It's not easy to lead a country or people on normal days. How much more right now. There is a lot to consider. The economic and financial impact, for instance. And, the pandemic itself. How to stop the spread of the disease. Can they produce a vaccine or a cure as soon as they can. With all the ruckus people have been creating day by day, I'm sure I'll be at a loss myself.
I'm not an expert on this field. But given a thought to all that must be considered, I couldn't even fathom how can they. They are starting from scratch and are literally fighting an invisible enemy. How hard can that be, right?
This is also one of the things that I felt to be disturbing. Just so you know, I am not a pro or an anti. I am neither. But, what I couldn't take from all the things I have been reading online are those pure negative comments and slanders people are throwing without even knowing the depth of the situation. It is easy to criticize when you are from the outside. It is easy to point out the wrongs because there will always be one or two or more. Because, the sad truth is we're looking for the faults. It is highlighted in our eyes.
I appreciate those posts that has a constructive criticism on it much much better. The government is not perfect and I don't think people will have a perfect leader on their eyes, to be honest. There will always be lacking, I know. Just like with ourselves.
This just frustates me to no ends. I have been using social media these days less and only to update myself on the news, nothing anymore.
I have been pissed at the people on our government. I am. I actually don't believe in them. I see corruption and lies. Manipulation and abuse of power. There's always a question of authenticity at the back of my mind. However, generalizing them won't help you.
We should learn the facts and understand them. The whats and the hows of the disease, how the system works, how the government operates, the laws and other things. Be properly informed.
And, we should criticize constructively. I know people are using social media to be heard which is totally fine and our absolute right. But, I hope that our need and purpose to be heard is vital to the cause and will help us and the people around us.
Let's always go for a win-win situation and help as much as we can but with knowledge and heart.
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