Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Devotion by Howard Norman

"This tableau - David behind a window, Maggie just outside - constituted part of the same choreography of punishment and encouragement that defined each of Maggie's visits over the next few weeks, and raised in William's mind questions about what inventive stupidities people were capable of when wounded and confused, no matter their native intelligence. No matter their love for each other." - Howard Norman, Devotion

This is the latest book I'd finished, and I wouldn't say that I don't enjoy reading it, because I do enjoy it. Its prose are great and the mood is mellow yet easy on the mind. I love the dilemma it gives, how the author laid the plot, and the answers to my whys. It's such a good read with the right touch of conflict.

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  1. The book sounds great. I love the cover too. Enjoy!

    Here's my teaser for this week.

  2. Great teaser! Sounds like quite the love story. :)

  3. An interesting teaser.

