Thursday, September 13, 2012


"Jordan Landau is having a bad life. At twenty-five, she is attractive, smart, funny and talented. But all that doesn't keep her mother from calling her fat, her boss from stealing her ideas, and her boyfriend from cheating on her. Day in and day out, she sits back and watched as everyone walks all over her.
Then one day while riding her bike home from a particular awful day, Jordan collides with a car door and is knocked clear off her bicycle. Jordan realizes she has a perfect excuse for a "do-over"; she vows to fake amnesia and reinvent herself.

And it works.

Finally, Jordan is able to get the credit she deserves at work, and she stands up to her family and her jerk of a boyfriend. She's living the life she has always dreamed of - until the unthinkable happens. Suddenly Jordan must start over for real, and figure out what really makes her happy - and how to live a truly memorable life." - Goodreads

The moment when you know that you will save a book for a later read because you know it's good. And when you already did read it, you had this great sense of satisfaction of getting it right.

Guess what? 

I had that moment!

I was only scanning book titles and covers at a thrift bookstore, anticipating of at least one great find. Then, I got a glimpse of that particular seducing thick green book,and the book told me that: if you ignore me, you will regret it. Thankfully though, at that time although hesitant at first, I did not. Instead, I grab a hold of it, secure it in my palms, and I bought it!!! (And, yes, no regrets there...)

One thing that I love about the book is that I can relate to Jordan. Her low self-esteem, her lack of assertiveness, her ways of living her life.. I could almost place myself on her shoes... Although, I'm younger. But the story just struck me hard... 

Plus with the author's wit, this is just hilarious. I have guffawed my way to the end of the book... I just couldn't stifle my laugh the whole time. And even though, it's such a great read, I didn't want to finish it... You know, the feeling when you don't want something to end.. 

And, TODD! I want you to know that I love you! Even though, she didn't. (Well, she actually do but it's only platonic...)

Just to make things clear, I love Todd, but I do love the Travis & Jordan pairing too. It's just that I hate seeing Todd like that... Sometimes, love can be cruel. Or circumstances. Or the people themselves...

My verdict about this book is... it is great and will surely give you lots of laugh. So to those who haven't read it yet or is hesitant, I think you should wash away your doubts and grab a copy of it. It won't hurt to have a hearty laugh, right?

Here's some quotations from the book...

“Know the hazards of lending and borrowing with friends.” 
“You need a little bit of the crazy to keep things fun.”  
“I simply never found a specific club that I could bring myself to be passionate about. I was having enough trouble finding one person to be passionate about, let alone a whole club!”  
“The character doesn't even come out until people are tested and be put in extreme situations and most people spend their lives trying to avoid those kinds of situations.”  
“Don't sit back and be a bystander of your own life”

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