Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Carpe Diem

As the end begun, 
beginning comes forth, as well.
It was such a delight.
But, like everything, it has to end
A new start in our doorstep
Seize it the best we can

- by me
. . . . .
I don't know if that could pass as a poem, though. But it sums up what I feel. Yesterday, I woke up late, just like I did for the past weeks. It was the last day of the year and I spent twelve hours of it on nothing. Just like every time, my mind was replaying things and along with that, making me see what happened, what I did, what I had become, oh..the list goes on.

In retrospect, the year 2013 had been good. My father got a stable job. Some things happened in-between but it was resolved. I got to my second year in college with good grades. My new classmates had been nice although, not-so friendly at first. There are a lot of embarrassing moments I want to erase on my memory yet there are also wonderful ones to cherish forever. Friends come and go. Yet, I am still standing.

There had been changes, as well. Spontaneous one. It is a good one, nevertheless. Procrastination and indifference, however, went to worse at the later part of the year. I'm always like that. Although, this time, it hadn't been so good. I was frequently late, didn't care about my grades (I'd flunk one of my exams), didn't study well and had no care in the world. I don't like how uncaring I had been this second semester. I even wanted to drop out of school. Good thing, I didn't.

That is why, with the clean-slate days ahead of me, I want to seize every bit of it. I want to better myself.

. . . . .

Happy New Year to us all!
I hope that this year will be better than the last.
And with a new beginning in front of us, 
I hope that we use it wisely.
Time is such a precious gift.
We should make the most out of it.

P.S. I wrote it at four in the morning, so forgive me with some typos and some nonsensical/incoherent details.
P.S.S. The bottom line is  Happy New Year!

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